connect with the blogger

If you have any questions or comments for Gabrielle or regarding Pocket Full of Books, please do not hesitate to contact me and fill out the form below. If you are an author or a publisher seeking the inquiries about book reviews, please refer to my note on review policies below.

Note for authors & publishers

I would love to review your already released or upcoming novels! Please provide a brief description of the novel, as well as your contact information in the form below. I will reply to your request as soon as possible.

What types of books will I review?

I typically accept reviews requests for the following genres (in no order of preference): historical fiction, literary fiction, and thriller/mystery/suspense. If you have a books that does not fall under one of these genres, feel free to message me, I am always open to various other genres.

What type of format will I review?

I will review both e-books and physical books.